Saturday, January 7, 2012

Genesis 9

Day 7

Genesis Chapter 9

Genesis 9:13-15 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.

A covenant is a binding agreement or arrangement between two parties, involving obligations, responsibilities or obedience.  Covenants are a big part of Christianity.  The Bible itself a covenant document between God and man.  The word "testament "  in latin means covenant...  God made a covenant with Abraham, Noah, and with the entire nation of Israel.  There are also covenants between men and a man can make a covenant with himself. (Job 31:1)

One of the most over looked covenants today is the covenant of marriage.  Biblical marriage is a divine picture of Christ and His bride - (The Church).  Marriage is the only covenant in the Bible that allows two people to be perfectly joined in all areas of life, from the physical to the spiritual.  So with marriage being one of the greatest covenants made between God and man.  Over 1/2 of all marriages will end in divorce in America.  What is sad is that inside the church the numbers are not that different.   If 2 people are getting married for the second time the chance of them getting a divorce jump to 70%...   So why do we not take the obligations and responsibilties of marriage more seriously?  I believe there are 6 reasons I want to share with you...

1) Couples enter into marriage with unrealistic expectations for their partner to maintain...  One unrealist expectations put on women by men is about sex.  A lot of guys think marriage means I get it anytime I want it!  Guys sorry it does not work that way.  Another unrealistic expectation is that in marriage I should always be happy...  Women struggle with this one the most.  The design of marriage is not happiness, it's holiness.

2) Being irresponsible with money.  Money is the cause of most fights in a marriage.  

3) Couples are spending most of their time around other unhappy and unhealthy marriages.  Trust me if you are spending most of your time with couples who have a healthy marriage that will encourage yours .  Being involved in a small group through your local church also gives you added support fo a successful marriage. 

4) Couples stop persuing each other...  Date nights make sure to schedule them or they will never happen.  Good intentions don't help you reconnect with your spouse!

5) Not having the right priorities!  Your KIDS should never come before your MARRIAGE... Your JOB, although very important, should never come before your KIDS...  God, Spouse, Kids, Job, Hobbies - in that order...

6)  Not knowing the needs of your spouse.  Guys your wife needs you to make her feel loved and cherished...  Ladies your husband needs to feel respected and admired...  Check out Ephesians 5:21-33.  Its all there in black and white!  When couples don't practice this they can become entangled in what the book "Love And Respect" calls THE CRAZY CYCLE...  When the man responds in an unloving way toward his wife, she responds in a disrectful way to her husband....

If we can improve on these things I believe it will lower the divorce rate and the restore the covenant of marriage to its rightful place...

1 comment:

  1. I agree & also add that marriage maintenance (such as the marriage class taught at the journey) & prayer for your spouse are a must!
