Thursday, January 5, 2012

Genesis 5-6

Day 5
Genesis 5-6
6:22  Noah did everything just as God commanded him.
Can it really be that easy to find God's favor?  Surely there is some secret formula
one must attain for God to find favor with you!  Maybe If I memorize enough scripture
or go on enough mission trips God will find favor with me and bless the work of my hands.

Although mission trips are needed to to take the Gospel to the ends of the Earth and
Hiding God's word in your heart will help to know God more intimately, they are not
prerequisites for God to find favor with you.  What is it then? 

As I think back to all the heroes of the Bible who found favor with God it is Noah who
stands out the most to me...  Maybe that was because as a kid I just loved that story!
However the meaning of that story has changed for me since my childhood.  2 things stick
to me now more than when I was a young tike in Sunday school...

5 The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every
inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.

8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.

Out of all the men in the world why did Noah receive God's favor?  I believe there
where 3 simple reasons.

1) Noah was was blameless amoung men (6:9)
That simply means he was not living one way on Sunday and living like everyone else
Monday through Saturday...  We make God sick when we live this way! (Revelation 3:16)

2) Noah walked with God (6:9)

Literally speaking, in order to walk with someone you have to walk in the same direction
as they are walking...  What a great word picture!  Noah walked in the same direction as
God. Which simply meant Noah and God were in agreement... 

3) Noah listened to God and did what he said. (6:22)
God told Noah to build an ark 3 stories high and as long as a football field because he was
going to destoy the Earth with rain.  Remember Noah was 500 years old and had never seen
rain before in his life!  Noah did not have cut lumber or power tools like we have today. 
What God asked of Noah was no easy task.  God maybe asking you to do something that is not
so easy too...

...Maybe it is parents God is calling you to give up one of your 2 incomes so one of you can home school your kids
...Maybe it is to walk away from a comfortable job to start a Christian based business?
...Maybe it is to adopt an orphan?

Whatever it is God is telling you to do.  Listen to God and do what he says!  His favor awaits!

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