Day 13
Genesis 16
Genesis 16:1-5
Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar; 2 so she said to Abram, “The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her.”
Abram agreed to what Sarai said. 3 So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian maidservant Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. 4 He slept with Hagar, and she conceived.
When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress. 5 Then Sarai said to Abram, “You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering. I put my servant in your arms, and now that she knows she is pregnant, she despises me. May the LORD judge between you and me.”
This pretty much disqualifies Abraham from the coveted “Husband of the Year” award… On two occasions Abraham told strangers who were checking out his wife that she was his sister, so they might not kill him… (Genesis 12:10-13) and (Genesis 20:1) Plus this incent in chapter 16..
Ladies I don’t know how you would feel if your husband told other great looking guys that you were his single sister… Maybe you would like that – but I’m guessing most of you would be at the clerk of courts the next day filing for a divorce…
From these verses I can find 3 things Abraham was lacking that all husbands need to keep the respect and admiration of their wife.
1) INTEGRITY – Honesty is a big issue to your wife! BOTTOM LINE - If your wife cannot trust you she will not respect you… On two separate occasions for his own welfare, Abraham told people Sarai was his sister so they might treat him well…
2) INFLUENCE – Your wife wants you to step up and lead her. If your wife wears the pants in your home, you’re NOT being the husband God wants you to be. (Ephesians 5:22-23) That does not mean you need to be a dictator in your home and your wife does not need a drill sergeant… She wants you to be the one to lead by example; in love, spiritually, financially, morally, in service, in raising your children.
Abraham let his wife sway his faith in God. He was passive – just like Adam in the garden. He was not looking out for his wife’s welfare. He did not think about how jealous this might make her or what kind of strain it would put on their marriage.
3) No INFIDELITY – This is kind of a no brainer… Keep it in your pants if it’s not with your wife… Even a hint of being sexually immoral will cause your wife to lose respect for her husband! Not only was Abraham sexually immoral, he gave his wife to the Pharaoh to marry. I suppose he knew what the Pharaoh and his wife would be doing after they got hitched!
Wives if you thought your husband was a jerk... You may want to compare him to good old father Abraham... You may find your husband is not really as bad as you first thought...
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