Friday, January 20, 2012

Genesis 22

Day 17

Genesis 22

Genesis 22:14
14 Abraham named that place God-Yireh (God-Sees-to-It). That's where we get the saying, "On the mountain of God, he sees to it."

As weird as it sounds, this passage reminds me of an aspect of one of my favorite games
In the game of baseball, if you have a runner on base that you need to move into scoring position; the batter can square his body and hold out his bat during the pitcher’s delivery.  This is called a bunt.  The goal is for the ball to strike the bat and deaden on the ground between home plate and 3rd base.  Most of the time the batter gets thrown out at first, but the runner gets to move up a base into scoring position.  This is why it is often referred to as a sacrifice bunt… 

As a hitter I hated getting asked to bunt.  It meant basically that I was forfeiting my at bat for the good of the team.  That sounds terrible that I would want to be selfish by not wanting to bunt.  The correlation is that as a follower of Christ we are all on his team.  Sometimes He wants us to give up our prized possession for His purposes…  God was asking Abraham to sacrifice his prized possession (Isaac his only son) 

I have to mention my wife Franca here.  Before we were married she was involved in a business that she had helped build that was pretty successful.  It was like her baby...  Every Tuesday night while we were engaged, she went to her business meeting and I went to my small group for my church.  After we got married Franca wrestled with God about if she should continue the business or join me in our church small group meeting. I did not get involved because I wanted it to be her decision.  She gave it up and did not look back!  I have seen her grow tremendously in her walk with Lord since that decision and God has blessed her life with friends she never thought she would need. 

Just like Abraham God want honor our obedience when we give something valuable up for His sake…  God honored Abraham’s obedience with countless descendents…  God honored Franca’s obedience with great friends…  What will He do for you if you are willing to bunt for Him?  If the long run what you’re giving up is small compared to what He is going to do with you!

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