Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Genesis 26

Day 20

Genesis 26

Genesis 26:26
Meanwhile, Abimelech had come to him from Gerar, with his personal adviser and the commander of his forces. 27 Isaac asked them, “Why have you come to me, since you were hostile to me and sent me away?” 28 They answered, “We saw clearly that the LORD was with you; so we said, ‘There ought to be a sworn agreement between us’—between us and you. Let us make a treaty with you

Have you ever had someone be hostile toward you?  Maybe they were jealous or insecure.  The bible does give us good counsel on how to hand those people… 

The natural reaction is to defend yourself when you feel attacked for no reason…  I can think back to when the church I attend now was only a year old.  The church was different from most churches in the area.  We had a rock & roll style worship band.  We meet at a building that used to be a Kmart…  The ceilings were painted black…  We had no steeple…  No stained glass windows… No pews… No Sunday School (We did small group communities)

So many Christians spread straight up rumors about our church…  Saying things like we did not preach the truth…  We were a cult…  My favorite was, “Yeah don’t go to that church, they worship aliens…” 

None of this was true, but our church never attacked back or defended our name against these ridiculous claims which held no truth…  Instead we saw that a church in the community was in need of a new roof.  We sent over a team of men, bought all the materials and they had a new roof and they could continue meeting in their sanctuary.  Another Baptist church had just built a new multi million dollar sanctuary and was struggling to make their monthly payments…  Since we did not have a large cost to maintain our building, we gave the other church a check to help them make their monthly payment…  WHY DID WE DO THAT???


Denominations are not of God and they are man made factions…  Satan has used them for years to put Christians against other Christians and he has been very successful at it!
We have a bible believing church on every street corner in most cities and if they would all work together we could change the planet…

Eventually because we did not attack back we won favor with God and through our actions we won favor with the community…  Today our church is continuing to see the results of those actions, as we continue to grow and reach out to others…  The community had the same reaction to us as Abimelech did to Isaac – Don’t give up doing the right thing, God will bless obedience!  They will see the Lord is clearly with you!  

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