Numbers 10-19
Numbers 13:30
30 Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”The way we think about ourselves usually has to do with the way others see us…
If they see us as weak, we think we are weak…
If people see us as cool, we think we are cool…
Proverbs 18:21 says our tongue has the power of life or death…
The problem with this is that we are not who others say we are. We are who God says we are! We are His image, His workmanship, His child…
I believe in self fulfilling prophecies. Words are so powerful. Caleb was not about to let negatively spoken words turn him away from the land God had promised him. He knew God was with them and that nothing could stop God. He had see God part the Red Sea, send the plagues on the Egyptians, provide manna from heaven… What were a few giants to keep them from a land flowing with milk and honey!
I can remember another story about a giant. In 1st Samuel 17:45-46, “David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. day the ThisLord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in IsraelDavid’s words were positive when He faced a giant in his life. Just like Caleb, David was not going to listen to negativity from his critics. They both spoke positive bold words because they knew God was on their side…
Not only do we need to guard our hearts from toxic words that are spoken to us by our critics, we must also bridal our tongues to make sure we are not the source of toxin for someone else.
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